Frequently Asked Questions

You don’t, if server staff see you possess the skills required to become a staff member and we’re short of staff at the time, you’ll be approached.
Go to #contact-staff and click on the reaction to log a ticket. Discussing server issues in open channels will not render any results.
More than likely because you broke one or more of the server rules. Take the time to go over them again.
If you are a trouble-maker and do not follow the rules, bans will be issued. You can appeal your ban by using the Ban Appeal Form.

A pastebin is usually a web site that allows people to post larger amounts of text to share with others. After having committed the text to such a site, they can copy the URL to their specific post(s) and paste the URLs to the channel. Doing this cuts down on “spam” in the channel and is recommended when the text to share exceeds four lines.

Not all pastebin sites are equal; some are starkly functional and others festooned with advertising, pop-ups and other annoyances. Many people object to being asked to view sites that require Javascript be enabled. While using such sites as is not specifically prohibited, it’s a courtesy to other channel members to try to use the “starkly functional” sites such as our own or

There really is no best… Anything. Best is a personal opinion that you create on your own.

General responses to various questions:

What’s the best Linux® distro?
Please see Which has a search feature, user comments, and pretty much everything you need to be able to start answering that question for yourself. Nobody in Linux.Chat can tell you what’s best, you need to find that for yourself and try various approaches/distros to see what suits your needs.

What’s the best text editor?
You have a choice. That’s the value of Linux®. vim, emacs, nano, pico, joe, jed, gedit, kedit, kwrite, code/vscode…. The list goes on. They each have their strengths and weaknesses, and the better question is to actually ask what types of features you are looking for in such an editor to better serve your purpose.

What’s the best media player?
Like the previous one, there’s plenty of choices, and no one answer will ever satisfy you besides what you’re looking for. Are you looking for Gnome, KDE, non-specific DE, console? Do you want streaming support? Do you want it to be able to stream? Be more specific and ask what you’re really looking for.